
Top skills to learn for online jobs 2022

NEC social fund program is helping individuals to learn new skills from professional and experienced tutors. NEC social fund is providing free courses for each individuals who have financial problems and cannot afford the courses. Our mission is to open the doors of higher level for housewife’s, and women’s who do not have the opportunity to study and work outside. After learning new skill and passing, the final exams of the course students will get the opportunity to be interviewed by famous companies and work from their homes.


Individuals can join NEC funding program by completing couple of steps :

  1. Write an essay “ why do you need this course and how it can help you in the future” ?  (500 words)
  2. Write an essay “Why do you need this funding”? (250 words)
  3. Submit your documents:
    1. ID/Passport
    2. School degree (Optional )

Online Courses Content:

  1. Block chain and Cryptocurrency Programming
  2. Amazon Web Service (AWS) Development
  3. Mobile App Development Artificial Intelligence (AI) Development
  4. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Development
  5. Website Design
  6. Website Development
  7. Data Analysis
  8. Accounting and Bookkeeping
  9. Writing
  10. Virtual Assistance
  11. Video Editing
  12. Graphic Design
  13. Translation
  14. Career Coaching
  15. Tutoring
  16. Photography
  17. Videography
  18. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  19. Excel Management
  20. Independent Sales
  21. Copy writing
  22. Social Media Marketing
  23. Self employed courses
    1. Making cakes
    2. Make clothes at home
    3. Making shoes
    4. Making Candles

Block chain and Cryptocurrency Programming

Blockchain is a programming language that manages and stores information about cryptocurrency transactions. However, unlike with other coding languages, it makes each entry highly resistant to external modification. This means that even though each online transaction is completely transparent, it cannot be interfered with by anyone who doesn’t own the data.

Even though it’s still a fairly new cryptocurrency technology, blockchain has quickly established itself as the #1 data-managing technique. Due to its unbreakable transaction security, companies (especially in law, finance, and logistics) are predicted to invest as much as $15.9 billion into blockchain by 2023. Luckily for freelancers, as it’s such a specific area of expertise, there still aren’t enough experts with sufficient knowledge to code and manage blockchain. That’s why, as long as you have the skills to show, you’re highly likely to find multiple clients looking for a blockchain specialist


Amazon Web Service (AWS) Development

Why Should You Choose Amazon Web Services?

AWS is the largest cloud storage provider, and it’s used by many big companies like Netflix, Airbnb, Pinterest, and Slack. In fact, The Verge reports that if you tried to block all the content stored on AWS, you’d only be left with 60% of the internet. Unfortunately, the cloud storage system is prone to cyberattacks and system failures — and every time it goes down it seems like almost half of the internet collapses.

There are two paths you can take as an AWS Architect. You’ll either work directly for Amazon to ensure as little system downtime as possible or provide cloud managing services to a range of companies who use Amazon’s online storage. Though the annual salary is extremely high, it’s unlikely one company will hire you full-time, so make sure to build a strong customer base and charge a set monthly fee.


Mobile App Development

Why Should You Choose Mobile App Development?

The demand for developers for both Android and iOS apps is ever-growing. App Annie’s 2019 report shows that in just one year, app stores recorded over 200 billion downloads while users spent a collective of $120 billion on apps and in-app purchases. As people spend on average over 3 hours a day on their phone, it isn’t surprising that businesses are focusing their efforts on showcasing their services through mobile apps.

This provides a great opportunity for mobile app developers to capitalize on their abilities and talents. Companies are constantly looking for new freelancers to design, code, and test their apps for mobile phones and tablets. This demand isn’t going to die down anytime soon either, which will allow you to make a living as a freelance mobile developer for as long as phones are an essential part of everyday life.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) Development

Why Should You Choose Artificial Intelligence?

If you’re fascinated by machine learning, how machines operate, and how they interact with people — you’re in luck. According to LinkedIn research, AI roles make up a majority of the top emerging positions for 2020 as a third of companies are revealing AI development plans.

Almost 50% of all businesses already use a form of machine learning, but AI is still a new concept expected to expand over time. As most AI is used to make daily life simpler, each algorithm and line of code is designed with a real-life problem in mind. It’s an extremely broad area that requires each specialist to know how to create algorithms, program working voice or facial recognition software, and even construct fully-working robots.

Choosing AI as your freelance career will not only enable you to work for high-end companies, but also allow you to write your own scripts for home-automated devices, such as Alexa or Google Home. Then, you can make extra profit by selling them on the Amazon Alexa store or Google Home app.


Website Design

Why Should You Choose Web Design?

According to an expert marketing organization, WebFX, almost 90% of customers decide to go with a competitor if a business’ e-commerce website is poorly designed. Companies are aware of this and invest millions of dollars into their designs as the general trend shows that each dollar spent on web design generates $100 in sales.

As a website designer, you’ll be responsible for researching design trends and creating exciting drafts using creative software like Photoshop. Web designers are also skilled in website-oriented coding languages, such as HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), as they often work with front-end developers to code each site.

There are 3 general specialties web designers can choose from:

User Experience (UX) designers craft and design sites that look appealing to visitors in order to generate more return customers

User Interface (UI) specialists deal with all the functions on a website (such as navigation or button placements) making them as user-friendly as possible

Visual design which combines the skills of both UX and UI experts


Website Development

Why Should You Choose Website Development?

Due to the lack of talented web developers, experts predict that there will be over 1 million unfilled positions in the US alone by the end of 2020. This creates an enormous demand for skilled web developers, both in-house and freelance, meaning now is the perfect time to learn how to program websites.

Just like web design, web development offers 3 areas to specialize in:

Front-end developers focus on creating online items that directly interact with users, such as login pages, click buttons, user forms, and so on. They program everything that’s immediately visible and clickable on a website.

Back-end developers work on the core of each site that’s invisible to visitors. This includes the base structure of a website, databases, and servers. Back-end programmers also fix any bugs and glitches that stop a site from working properly.

Full-stack specialists have the skills of both front-end and back-end developers and are hired to manage the whole aspect of creating and managing a website.

Regardless of which path you choose as a web developer, you’re going to enjoy the high pay and bonuses that companies often offer their freelancers. It is one of the few freelancing skills you can learn where businesses are more likely to compete for your attention rather than the other way around. This means you’re going to get more jobs and recognition for your projects and hard work.


Data Analysis

Why Should You Choose Data Analysis?

Data analytics is one of the quickest growing sectors on the job market, but its rapid growth has created a worker demand that cannot be fulfilled. According to the PricewaterhouseCoopers report, there will be 2.7 million available data analyst job positions by the end of 2020 — but not enough skilled specialists to apply. This will force businesses to compete for each qualified data analyst, boosting your chances to gain enough clients and live comfortably as a self-employed expert.

As a data analyst, you’ll be compiling, organizing, and analyzing large quantities of data in order to create informative reports for each business. It’s important for each data analyst to pay great attention to detail in order to spot emerging patterns and possible system mistakes. Additionally, data analysts often work closely with web developers to create seamless data collection systems.


Online Security and Ethical Hacking

Why Should You Choose Online Security and Ethical Hacking?

Cybersecurity Ventures’ 2019 Cybersecurity Market Report shows that rising online threats are forcing companies to increase their cybersecurity budget, which is predicted to hit $1 trillion by 2021. Despite being a relatively recent trend, cybersecurity is quickly becoming a top concern for a majority of businesses — creating more positions and opportunities for online security experts.

Cybersecurity specialists work to protect sensitive data that’s collected and stored by a majority of online businesses. They often work closely with ethical hackers, who are employed to hack into a company’s system in order to check how well it’s protected. They then create full reports detailing areas for improvement, which are handed to security experts whose role it is to implement appropriate changes.

Both freelance roles have a large impact on a company’s level of online security and are in high demand with predictions to continue their growth in the foreseeable future.


Accounting and Bookkeeping

Why Should You Choose Accounting and Bookkeeping?

According to the Small Business Report, 60% of small business owners admit they don’t know how to manage their finances and lack the funds to hire an expert full-time. This creates a niche in the market for freelance accountants and bookkeepers who often provide their services at a much more affordable price. You’ll be even more attractive to potential clients if you already have the accounting software required to carry out all the tasks.

As an accountant and bookkeeper, you’ll be responsible for managing payroll, calculating taxes, keeping financial records, and creating annual reports and financial plans for the year ahead. You might also have to deal with tax returns and fraud investigations if your client gets into trouble. The job role will differ slightly depending on your client’s needs — but these differences create a great work environment where each day varies from the next.



Why Should You Choose Writing?

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to become an author to make a living as a freelance writer. With the fast development of online media, 62% of businesses hire external talent to create content on their blogs or virtual magazines. This creates an enormous opportunity for those who know how to catch attention through the written word.

As the freelance writing world is overpopulated at times, it’s best to decide and develop the knowledge to create informative and engaging pieces in one specific area. It can be tech, history, medicine, education, motherhood, and so on — there really is no limit. If there’s one specific topic you’re especially passionate about, you’ll have no problem turning it into profit as a freelance writer.


Virtual Assistance

Why Should You Choose Virtual Assistance (VA)?

Companies, both large and small, are constantly looking for ways to grow their business while staying cost-effective. As hiring virtual assistants can reduce operating costs by as much as 78%, business owners look for freelance specialists online. The reason behind such big savings is the fact that VAs have a seemingly unlimited skill set. They are responsible for a range of tasks from essential admin and customer support to working on marketing campaigns and designing websites. This often means that companies can hire just one person for multiple roles instead of sourcing each role separately.

If you decide to work as a VA, you don’t have to limit yourself to one industry either. Each industry differs slightly in what tasks you’ll be assigned, so you may want to try a few different ones to find which area of work interests you the most. For example, working as a VA in a finance company could require carrying out accounting tasks, but an assistant in a fashion business would be more likely to liaise with stakeholders instead. Once you know your strengths, it’ll be easier to market yourself appropriately for each industry.



Video Editing

Why Should You Choose Video Editing?

If you’re not interested in shooting videos, but still find working with moving images fascinating, you should consider venturing into video editing. Video editors are quickly becoming one of the most sought after professions as 93% of businesses saw an increase in customers after posting a video ad on social media. That’s why marketers are now rebranding and focusing more on posting short, informative ads in video form to generate sales. This is especially true for any business active on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

As a video editor, you’ll be provided with raw clips and videos which your clients will expect to be montaged together in an engaging and attractive way. The role comes with a great deal of pressure as your end product must entice viewers into making a purchase. Make sure your editing style matches each project to ensure maximum client satisfaction (and increase the possibility of being hired again).



Graphic Design

Why Should You Choose Graphic Design?

The graphic design market offers a tremendous variety of projects to take on. With 73% of companies investing in designs on their websites and social media posts, freelance opportunities have never been more apparent. With the right skills, you’ll be able to work on projects in marketing, web development, user experience design, and corporate communications, just to name a few.

Additionally, freelance graphic designers usually report being happier due to the constant use of their creativity. The available career paths offered in design also regularly push creatives out of their comfort zones and require them to regularly adjust their methods and techniques. This brings a lot of challenges, excitement, and extreme job satisfaction when each project is completed.




Why Should You Choose Copywriting?

Copywriters have the power to make a company memorable with the use of creative catchphrases and content that can generate sales. Think about McDonald’s with “I’m lovin’ it” permanently embedded in everyone’s minds, or KFC’s “finger-licking good.” A copywriter’s job isn’t limited to coming up with just a few words though — they draft engaging emails, blog posts, and product descriptions that convince consumers to click ‘Buy.’

Statistics prove that copywriting is one of the few sectors that is in high demand regardless of what the state of the economy is. This implies that, as long as you’ve got the skills, you’re highly likely to quickly climb the salary ladder as a freelance copywriter.


Search Engine Optimization

Why Should You Choose Search Engine Optimization?

SEO marketing is another very specific branch of digital marketing that requires freelancers to ensure that a client’s website shows up on the first page of a Google search. Consumers are more likely to use Google to research services and products prior to making a purchase, but 67% of all link clicks go to the first 5 results. This means that companies that don’t rank high enough miss out on potential customers.

Even though an increasing number of companies are investing more money in their SEO rankings, the general number of experts in the field is still quite low. If you want to avoid the fierce competition in digital and social media marketing but still enjoy the marketing world, SEO will create the right opportunities for you.



Excel Management

Why Should You Choose Excel Management?

Since its release in 1985, Microsoft Excel has become indispensable in almost every business possible. The software is used by over 750 million people in the world, but only a small percentage of them are certified Excel experts. Those specialists are in high demand at the moment — and with the continuous growth of the Microsoft spreadsheet program, this skill is only going to be more sought after.

Even if you struggle to find enough clients to support your freelance lifestyle at first, you’ll be able to earn money by providing one-to-one Excel online classes. It’s a popular choice for those who don’t have much corporate Excel experience but still want to share their expertise as a self-employed specialist



Social Media Marketing

Why Should You Choose Social Media Marketing?

There are approximately 3.8 billion social media users worldwide and each one of them is a potential customer to any company active on the internet — but only if its products are marketed properly. In order to grow in popularity and revenue, businesses of all sizes must showcase their services online and they do this by hiring skilled social media marketers.

Social media marketing is a perfect choice for those who get bored easily as no two days are ever the same. As a social media marketer, you’ll be creating online campaigns designed with a target audience in mind. Each campaign will be completely different depending on what your clients need, so you’ll need to keep your creativity at the highest level.



Independent Sales

Why Should You Choose Independent Sales?

As over 90% of all customer interactions take place on the phone, it’s not surprising that companies are moving from in-house sales representatives to freelance sales experts. The main focus of the role is exactly the same: make as many sales as possible — but you get to do it from the comfort of your own home.




Why Should You Choose Videography?

Often perceived as just camera operators, working as a videographer is much more exciting than just positioning shooting equipment in the right place. Freelance videographers work with businesses and individual clients to capture their creative vision in video form. The projects range from shooting short ads and promotional clips to creating training videos, or even documentaries. This variety of projects is predicted to create a much bigger demand for videographers with experts predicting a 12% industry growth until 2026.

At the beginning of your videography career, you’ll have to create an extensive portfolio that will help you get a first gig. The initial projects may be rather small and less exciting, but as you gain experience, you could even find yourself working with big TV stations, movie studios, and popular corporations.




Why Should You Choose Photography?

People are more inclined to remember visual images rather than text. This is especially visible on social media, where promotions that include photos rather than videos or links get 352% more engagement. That’s why almost 70% of companies have plans to increase the use of photography in their promotions — and with that, hire more freelance photographers for their projects.

Apart from commercial photography, freelance photographers can also branch out into wedding imagery, studio photoshoots, fashion projects, and more. It’s particularly useful to decide which area suits you best prior to advertising your services to potential clients. This will attract the right clientele and entice them to return if they like your particular style.

Besides selling their services, self-employed photographers can sell their images on e-commerce sites like Etsy, or as stock photos. This helps them earn extra money on the side and get recognition online — which may lead to gaining even more customers.




Why Should You Choose Translation?

There are over 7,100 different languages across the world and if you’re fluent in more than one of them, you have a good chance of becoming a successful translator. Globalization continues to power the ever-growing demand for language experts in companies in every sector. Even with the growth of AI services, translating software isn’t very accurate and is prone to mistakes. This means that now more than ever is the best time to swap your corporate career for freelance translation without compromising on your earnings.



Career Coaching

Why Should You Choose Career Coaching?

People spend approximately 90,000 hours at work in a lifetime, but according to a global survey conducted by Gallup in 2017, only 15% of full-time workers are happy with their job. This means that over 75% of the world’s employees feel like they’re wasting their time in positions that don’t fulfill them, but don’t know how to change it. As more people confirm their increasing dissatisfaction with work-life balance or a career choice, the field of career coaching is experiencing an unbelievable popularity boom.

As a career coach, you’ll help people improve their general quality of living by working to pursuing their passions, not just to pay the bills. The field can be highly competitive, but it won’t ever stop being in high demand due to increased work-related stress and lowered living standards.




Why Should You Choose Tutoring?

Teaching in schools usually involves low pay, a lot of overtime, and often, minimal job satisfaction. With the average 1:16 teacher to pupil ratio in regular schools, it isn’t surprising that over a quarter of students are now looking for private online tutoring. It allows children to learn from the comfort of their own homes while you don’t have to leave your living room. With the benefits of personalized one-to-one teaching support, you’ll quickly be able to see the progress your students are making, bringing you a tremendous amount of pride. Finally, online tutoring will pay you a lot better than teaching at a school as any overtime you work can be billed by the hour.

Even better, as a freelance tutor, you don’t have to actively search for clients on your own. Many self-employed teachers use third-party agencies that already have a database filled with pupils. All you’ll need to do is register and wait for the right students to contact you. If you decide to use online tutoring companies, remember that they’ll take a certain percentage of your earnings in order to run their business.

Don’t worry if you aren’t a qualified teacher either — you can choose any subject you’re an expert in. People across the world look for tutors that provide classes on a range of topics, including cooking, photography, writing, and more.